Thursday 29 November 2012

Research into Studio Idents

These six studio idents are recognised as the most popular entertaining branding produced. They are identifiable and unique from one another meaning they produce certain genres and films for their specific studio ident. For example Disney and Pixar joined together to develop their illustration, language, themes and genres; they create animation films usually directed to young children. Whereas universal focus more so on a wider variety of films which are non animated and are directed towards a certificate of 12 plus. Through the use of studio idents espececially the 'famous' six helps an audience to realise the clarity and ratings of a particular film due to its producers.

This studio ident is mainly used in the horror trilogies of SAW and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This independent company is known for producing films which usually have a horror genre. Through the use of the dark red barbed wire tighting around the studio ident expresses the ideas of distress and fear of entrapment which is a main theme within the themes of the SAW trilogies.

This studio ident is used in the film Taken, it is a French movie studio situated in Paris. The producers of Taken chose this specific ident due to it symbolising certain themes within the film. For instance, in Greek  mythology Europa is the name of Phoenician princess who was abducted to by Zeus and taken to Crete. This relates to the plot with the film as 17 year old is taken and abducted by intruders which is also set in Paris,France.

Friday 23 November 2012

Changes in our storyboard

Within our synopsis, we have decided to change some of our camera shots and angles in order to create more effect within the trailer resulting in the trailer seeming more appealing towards the audience member.
This is in preparation for our first filming on 24th November, we planned out each individual scene and shot so we know exactly what we are ment to be recording.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Planning for location, props and actors

Updated information
We have developed our initial ideas making them more practical and detailed while different aspects of the trailer. For example we realised it would be very difficult to include the new report about the missing child due to trying to include moving text along the bottom of the screen, we also thought by including this clip it may make the trailer seem more of a film than a trailer and it is acknowledging the child has gone missing and may have included some suspects which may have given the whole plot away to the audience.



Original ideas

The Location and camera angles
during the beginning of the trailer our first location is going to be an interior shot of a family home. This first shot is a long shot to take in all the surroundings to 'set the scene' this is going to be recognised as the establishing shot. the next shot is a medium close of the mother and child while travveling in the car on the way to the park. the park is our exterior shot, where we will firstly use a long shot in order to grasp the atmosphere and surroundings we will then use a range of camera shots and angles, such as:

  • point of view/over the shoulder shot of the father watching the child.
  • extreme close up of mobile phone and mother's face expression.
  • a jolted zoom in shot of the mother's realisation.
  • long shot of playground and balloon floating into the air.
  • close up of the teddy left on the round about.
  • hand held camera when the father is running through the woods with the child.
  • low angle shot of feet running.

  • Props:
    • Teddy
    • Balloon
    • Alcohol bottle
    • Car
    • Mobile phone
    • Mother- Nicola Brady
    • Father - Declan Heeney
    • Child - Tom Hughes
    • News Reporter - Mr Koryl/Gerry Brady

    Our intended dates for filming is the 24 and 25th  November and will continue over the next few weeks.

    Experimenting different camera shots and angles

    Within our trailer we aim to include as many of these camera shots and angles as possible. For example long shots and medium shots are prime examples this are going to be used frequently throughout, extreme long shots will be include when the environment and background needs to be include i.e when looking for the son, point of view shots will be used when the father is watching the family in the playground and lastly the extreme close is inspiration for our studio ident.

    Panning shot

    Circular Tracking shot

    Zoom in to close up

    Zoom in to medium shot

    Zoom out from close up

    Hand held shot

    Low angle shot
    Within our trailer Nicola and I hope to use many of these various angles within our trailer. To show an understanding our different camera shots and angles by using them correctly.

    Monday 19 November 2012

    Profile of Target audience


    Our typical audience member would be an adult/parent, due to the fact that the film is based upon a young child being taken, expressing that parents could relate to this as they would feel the same emotions if their child were to go missing, because of how realistic the story line is. Although it may relate to adults and parents, due to the film being certificated as a 12, other audience members of ages 12 and above are likely to watch this as it has mostly low or moderate themes throughout.

    The theme is drama/thriller by using this particular genre this creates tension and curiosity throughout the build up of the trailer as the audience questions at first is it the father taking the child? will he be separated from his mother for ever? what is going to happen to him; will he be injured,returned safely or missing forever? this causes the audience to appear active as they are intrigued to know the rest of the story line.

    Name: Charlotte Spencer
    Occupation: School teacher and mother
    Location: United Kingdom
    Favourite films/programmes: True movies, soaps and drama sequels
    Why she would would enjoy this drama: the film is based on real life events and being a mother can relate to it as she has children. 

    Name: Joseph Griffith
    Age: 18
    Occupation: student
    Location: West Midlands
    Siblings: 5- Brothers and sisters
    Favourite films/programmes: Holby City, thrillers such as disturbia, paranormal activity.
    why he would watch this drama: he enjoys working out the plot and ending of thillers, which are based on real life events.

    Wednesday 14 November 2012

    Research Pulse short film Abigail Stafford

    Camera shots/ angles
    When introducing the title pulse, it is written in a red liquid which drips suggesting the idea of blood and dangerous already expressing the genre of the short film. at the beginning there is a shot of the vitim applying make up, the camera is positioned to be like a mirror- so the victim looks into the camera as if it was a mirror. The close up shot of the girl searching for her coat is a worms eye view this seems very realistc when using the idea of searching. the shot of the legs and feet while running down the stairs is a medium shot and is very important as it shows the victim's build up to leaving the house. The over the shoulder shot signifies the idea of being stalked as a the unidentified characters is learing in the background. In another shot the camera is hand held showing the idea of someone watching from a distance.