Wednesday 14 November 2012

Research Pulse short film Abigail Stafford

Camera shots/ angles
When introducing the title pulse, it is written in a red liquid which drips suggesting the idea of blood and dangerous already expressing the genre of the short film. at the beginning there is a shot of the vitim applying make up, the camera is positioned to be like a mirror- so the victim looks into the camera as if it was a mirror. The close up shot of the girl searching for her coat is a worms eye view this seems very realistc when using the idea of searching. the shot of the legs and feet while running down the stairs is a medium shot and is very important as it shows the victim's build up to leaving the house. The over the shoulder shot signifies the idea of being stalked as a the unidentified characters is learing in the background. In another shot the camera is hand held showing the idea of someone watching from a distance.

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