Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Question 1
Evaluation by BethanyCanavan



Interview with Declan Heeney who played the role of the father

Interview with Nicola Brady who played the role of the mother

What I have learnt form the actors/actresses that participated in our trailer...

I have learnt that both Nicola Brady and Declan Heeney both enjoyed participating in the filming for our trailer as it was a new and exciting expereience they could get involved. I have learnt that through selecting close friends and colleagues to take part in filming our trailer is far more productive than choosing those who aren’t as comfortable with filming. Nicola and Declan were always reliable and wanted to help out in anyway to enable our trailer to be the best it could. I have learnt that Declan enjoyed his role as the father and although he didn’t know how to portray the character at first through my directing this was achieved. I also learnt that Nicola enjoyed her role as she played the main character and found that it was much easier to produce the trailer exactly how we wanted because this was part of her coursework too. I have realised that the filming for our trailer was a success because both Nicola and Declan had favourite scenes that they enjoyed doing.

What I have learnt from our target audience's feedback...

I have learnt from the feedback of our target audience that overall the trailer was produced to a high standard as it developed an emotional drama which is what Nicola and I were aiming for. It was apparent that the build up to the disappearance of the young child was effective as the audience responded very strongly. The cliff hanger caused a sense of intrigue in the audience as they were curious as to who captured the boy and in suspense about how the film would end. I also learnt that a way to improve the trailer Nicola and I could have developed the relationship between the mother and the child to establish a more emotional attachment and make the audience more empathetic to the mother's feelings when the child disappears.


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Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Developments in our trailer

Completed Trailer

Deleted scenes

This clip shows where the mother has been attacked by the father showing a bruise on her face. However, we decided not to include this clip because in another clip we used, it shows the mother has been attacked by the father using a glass bottle therefore this would not result in a bruise it would be a bleeding cut instead. Therefore, it may suggest to the audience that the father has aggressively attacked the mother on more than one occasion for the bruise to appear on her face which is not the case. Using the theme of domestic violence would come away from the theme we planned to stick to which is the quest to find her son not that the father may be a threat to the child. We also decided not to use this clip because in the park scenes the mother didnt have the bruise on her face showing inconsistency, at this point we had already filmed a large amount of the park scene and weren't prepared to re-do our filiming as well as editing.

This was going to be the clip of the son travelling on a bus after being kidnapped however, we decided against this as it gave away the narrative to the audiecne and considering we are producing a trailer we wanted to keep as much as possible of the plot hidden, so viewers are left on a cliffhanger predicting the ending themselves. 

We chose not to use this clip as it is simply a close up of what the mother is pouring down the sink, which is already shown from a different angle earliar on in the trailer. 

Through using a close up shot of the prop which was used as the child's toy created significance that the child was no longer in the vacinity because he had dropped/left his toy behind. However, Nicola and I were torn between using the teddy bear as a close up or the red balloon the child was holding, in the end we decided on the balloon as it symbolised and loving relationship and danger ahead due to the red balloon.

Developments using Adobe
After recording clips for our trailer we used the software Adobe Premier Elements which allowed Nicola and I to edit out clips by rearranging them in different orders, applying transtions and atributing the use of background music and sound effects, and editing the brightness and colour of our clips.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Composing our Music

Within our trailer we have experimented with different sound effects and accompaniment which links with the theme of our trailer which can be recognised as a drama genre.

Music within a trailer is known as a subset of production music, this is the background music also known as non digetic it is used for film previews to create enigma and enlightenment in regard to the plot. However is not always necessarily used in the actual film production. The purpose of using music in a trailer is to highlight and incorporate the specific message that is being sent through the teaser trailer about the actual film itself. Originally, in our trailer we wanted just a piano playing lightly to express sadness and compassion, however now there are various instruments being used such as a piano, brass, strings and flute. A range of synthesizers were used to express an element of atmosphere and mood within the trailer to relate to the genre of drama, this was done using the software logic 8 available on Apple laptops/computers. To compose our background music we organised a professional music composer to create our background music. Through the use of synthesizing the instruments they no longer express just their original sound, they have now been improved through experimenting with the pitch,tempo,dynamic and its duration to coincide with the theme and the scenes within the trailer. For each scene in the trailer the audio had to relate to the visual scenes for example in the park scene where the mother is playing with her son the music that accompanies this scene is soft gentle and playful up beat music however when the father is seen watching the mother and son in the park the music changes and become more sinister through the change in dynamics.

The sound effects used in the trailer are also non diegetic as they are used to create a dramatic effect. For our studio ident we have a video recording of an eye blinking and have used a sound effect of blink, because through research we have found that to really draw an audience in, if there is an eye blinking it is more effective to have the sound of the blink to create emphasis on the ident. We also use a heartbeat within our trailer to show tension building and realisation of her missing son. Footsteps are used to highlight the fact someone is following them although this is shown through the camera as if it is hand held it just adds to the effect we are trying to create. The bottle smashing simply expresses the noise after the mother has been hit with the wine bottle.

There is a use of diegetic sound used in our production through the use of dialogue to create a storyline within the trailer.The sound of door slams are also diegetic as there was no need to produce a sound effect for this particular part as the volume was already sufficient and served the correct purpose.