Tuesday 29 January 2013

Preparation for our trailer

Our Schedule for Filming

New Developments in our Storyboard

Through recently analysing our original storyboard some of our ideas regarding what shots would be most effective we decided to add some scenes that would explain the plot more and would create more of a cliff hanger in our trailer.Nicola and I noticed trailers briefly explain parts of the storyline and only present the most interesting and best parts of the trailer. Therefore, before re-doing a few of our scenes Nicola and I have improved on our storyboard so we will know exactly what angles and shot we will be doing because without planning a newer storyboard on the day of filming we will be experimenting will different positions and scenes which will waste time. therefore we have composed a completed storyboard that displays similar scenes from our original storyboards and also include to developments.



OUR TRAILER SHOTS                                      STORY BOARD SHOTS

Codes and Conventions of a teaser trailer

The typical codes and convetions of a teaser trailer are that they usually last up to 1 and a half to 2 minutes, within this time frame they introduce the beginning which explains in breif the synopsis of the trailer, the middle which elaborates on the narrative then reaches the climax with the help of accompaniment for the build up along side fast cuts and lastly an advertisment of the title of the film and its realese dates. Usually these short clips are not shown in chronological order as they would be in the film this is because the best parts of the film have to be shown in a short amount of time therefore have to be condensed which may cause uncertainty about the film as a whole. This is the aim when producing trailer as leaving the audience on a cliffhanger encourages them to want to watch it in a cinema. Through research I have noticed that captions are essential as they may include factual information suggesting the film is based on true events, A list actors/actresses will also promote the film due to their previous famous film and captions can also be awarded and rated by various newpapers etc expressing the importance of captions. Within our trailer myself and Nicola are going to follow these codes and conventions to create a realistic and professional trailer. Our trailer will aim have a duration of 2 mins or slightly under, within the beginning we will establish the argument between the parents and the mother and son relationship. We will always strive to mix up the order of clips to intrigued the audience so they have to have full focus on every second of it. During the build up many captions will be displayed alongside accompaniment that coincides with our clips complimenting our genre (drama/thriller). Lastly we will end on a cliffhanger in order to intise the audience making them want to see the film.  

Our Script
For our Trailer, through the use of research myself and Nicola have noticed in many teaser trailers dialogue is limited so that the storyline isn't given away, it allows the audience to be active in commenting on what they believe the film is about, which makes them more likely want to go and watch the film in cinemas. to make up for the lack of dialogue we have included background mood music and different sound effects. the background music will create feeling and enigma towards the mother losing her son and the mysterious character who has taken him. the non diegetic sound effects will emphasis the parts in the scene such as the doors slamming shut and the smashing of the glass. this sound effects will seem more apparent signifying their relevance.  
The Dialogue
Mother: Look at the state of you, were leaving.

 Mother: Tom (shouts)

Mother: Have you seen my son.
Lady at the door: No sorry.

Binary Opposition
Within our trailer, Nicola and I have used Claude Levi-Stauss' narrative theory in terms of the binary opposition. Our trailer expresses this through the Father being the villain and the Mother and son being the victim. The father is recognised as bad for taking the child, the mother is considered good as she cares for 'Tom' the son, and the son is completely innocent with regard to the conflict between the parents. There is also binary opposition through different genders and ages, it also is shown as the trailer shows the majority of clips in the daytime however, once the child has been taken the weather changes to night time express the fathers evil character through the weather.

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